Go through the most popular publications of Captain George J Hill

Born in 1932 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Captain George J Hill has over 40 years of experience as a physician, surgeon, teacher, writer, and leader of nonprofit organizations. With many achievements under his wing, Dr. Hill turned to writing at an early point in his life which helped him create over 160 scientific reports, 20 papers in humanities, and over 22 book chapters.

He is also open to giving lectures and has already given more than 500 lectures on a wide variety of topics which his audience has appreciated for. Many of his lectures and books also shed light on Thomas Edison and Edison’s lamp works in Harrison NJ.

He is the author/ editor of several books that have been published which include:

Leprosy in Five Young Men

Outpatient Surgery

Clinical Oncology

Edison’s Environment: Invention and Pollution in the Career of Thomas Edison

Intimate Relationships:  Church and State in the U.S. and Liberia, 1917-1947

Proceed to Peshawar: The Story of a U.S. Naval Intelligence Mission on the Afghan Border, 1943.

He has seven genealogical works which include:

John Saxe, Loyalist

HILL: The Ferry Keeper’s Family

Western Pilgrims

Quakers and Puritans

Fundy to Chesapeake

American Dreams

The latter four volumes were summarized in a tetralogy entitled American Dreams.

His recent books include:

“Dearest Barb” from Karachi, 1943-45

Three Men in a Jeep Named “Ma Kabul”

The Home Front

Rolling with Patton

Prairie Daughter

Health Matters: A New View of Human History

A Lesson in Reality

Captain George J Hill is also the owner of Khyber Pass Productions which published his book Proceed to Peshawar which was made into a movie called Khyber Pass. Apart from the various George hill books published, he is also available to speak on a wide variety of topics that can be chosen to suit the size and the location of the audience. The lectures can also be in the form of conversations and book readings or illustrated with PowerPoint presentations.

The lectures can be given on several topics which include:

1. History

2. Genealogy

3. The History of Medicine

4. Travel and Adventure

5. Thomas Edison’s Footsteps

Other services offered by Captain George J Hill

He is also the owner of Hill tree Farm Press which is a small family publishing company that is dedicated to producing high-quality books and other publications for writers that want to utilize our assistance and wish to join our list of published authors. The press has already published several titles including books and pamphlets and is now printing many other publications.

The prices are negotiable depending upon the quality and availability of the publication and some of them are even signed by the authors and are available to view on the website. Hill Tree Farm Press has a web page online that is maintained by George J Hill on behalf of the press. This press helps publishers find out more about the press. More information on Captain George J Hill can be found on his website.

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